Find a DMS Partner Invested in Your Success

A good salesperson can earn your business. And, often, that business transaction ends at the point of sale. But a great partnership is built long after the ink dries on the contract. Your DMS partner should work hard to help you achieve success. Improving your day-to-day operations and accomplishing long-term goals is an investment in the future. You expect your technology to do a lot for your organization. It’s time to start expecting more from your partners. See why dealers like you are making the decision to switch to a partner invested in their success. Watch the video.

An Invested Partner

A great business partner should empower you to be the company you want to be. That means working with your team to ensure a seamless installation and technology migration. It means helping you find solutions to all your questions and working with your dealership to get the most out of your technology. Your DMS partner should be an invaluable resource to you, helping your team navigate industry complexities, enact operational change, and grow your business.

An Intuitive Technology

Any technology you take the time and resources to invest in should be intuitive to learn for new and experienced employees alike. It should make your operations more efficient by reducing the number of clicks to complete a task and making it easy to access information. That includes being flexible enough to integrate seamlessly with third-party systems and meet the requirements of every dealership department.

Flexible Contract Terms

Finally, your business partners should be easy to do business with. Technology providers should earn your business every month, giving you the freedom to choose and the ability to change direction at any time. That means offering flexible contract terms, not auto-renew clauses. In other words, you should be in control of the direction of your dealership, not your DMS provider.

Watch the video below to see how real-world dealers, like you, have made the transition to a DMS partner that’s invested in their success.





Beyond The Contract

Finding the right technology partner for your dealership takes more than a solid contract or a good deal to secure your trust. When it comes to choosing the right Dealer Management System (DMS), you deserve a partner, not just another provider. Here’s what you should expect from your DMS partner when you go beyond the contract.

Discover more from your technology investment

Signing a contract can feel like a serious investment—and it is. Yet, often for dealers, before the ink is dry, the relationship between your DMS provider is out of sight and out of mind. A truly vested partnership should help you and your team uncover the true value of your technology investment. Learning a new system has the potential to help your team uncover more productive process improvements, learn new ways of analyzing data, and change the way your business operates.

Partnering with true experts

Getting advice from your vendors in the past has probably felt like a sales pitch. And those “trusted experts” have probably had their own sales goals to meet. What if your new DMS partner came with a team of industry pros, with real field experience, who had your goals, values, and aspirations in mind? Partnering with Performance Managers is like having a trusted advocate in your corner to help level-up your goal-setting game. After all, when our partners do well, it makes everyone look good.

Trust and transparency are the new customer service model

Your dealership goes a long way to deliver top notch customer service to your buyers. So you’d expect nothing less from your partners, right? Then why do so many dealerships tolerate customer service that fails to meet the needs of their team before, during, and (especially) after a technology transition? With the introduction of DMS 360, our DMS users have access to an online community of peers for faster problem-solving that delivers a new level of transparency.

Choosing a new DMS is the first step, but discovering a true partner who can help ease the pain of a transition to your new, improved DMS and deliver better customer service is the future of dealership technology. Learn from real-world dealers, like you, who have made the transition by watching the video below.


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