The Path to Data-driven Practices Starts With People

Data is everywhere in your dealership. You have access to cold, hard facts about every aspect of operations, from profit margins to customer demographics to the average time of service visits. You know you should be putting all that data to work to drive business decisions, but figuring out where to start can be overwhelming.

The benefits of adopting — and consistently managing — data-driven practices are compelling. Dealerships that have figured out how to collect and extract meaning from their data sources have a competitive advantage. They use the insights found in the data to boost profits, improve operational efficiency, generate more sales revenue, and create transparency across all departments.

Unfortunately, you can’t just walk in one morning and declare, “We are now a data-driven organization,” and expect results. The transition requires the cultivation of a culture that understands and values how data can positively impact the business. Until you get team members on board, nothing will change.

I’ve Got a Feeling

Change is a pretty scary word for most people. Introduction of new, data-driven practices can feel threatening to team members who may be resistant to learning new systems or changing their work habits. If things are going well the way they are, why make changes?

It’s a common sentiment. Even though there is more data available than ever before, 39% of organizations say that making decisions based on gut feeling or experience is good enough.*

Part of cultivating a culture that thrives on using data to make strategic decisions is recognizing the emotional aspect of embracing analytics. Help team members understand how data is just another tool the dealership can use to improve operations. While their job responsibilities may change a bit, they will now have the resources to make a real impact on the success of the dealership.

According to Mandi Fang, vice president and general manager of Dealertrack DMS, organizations that are able to successfully create and execute data-driven cultures demonstrate how collaboration across the entire dealership shapes decisions at the management level.

“Remember to share your progress, including your successes and the areas you’re still working on, with your employees across all levels on a regular basis,” said Fang. “It can be a difficult transition, but consistency is key.”

Consistency Over Time

To make lasting change happen, you have to be vigilant. Only 37% of organizations that pledged to become more data-driven have successfully met that goal.** Organizations that stay the course ultimately provide better experiences for their customers because they are better attuned to market demands.

Team members need to see how their work is utilized by the management team to drive decisions. Make sure everyone across all levels understands the value of each metric that is monitored and how it supports the goals of the dealership. Communicating expectations openly with the entire team on a regular basis and explaining how individual contributions combine into larger analytical models can inspire long-term commitment to the effort.

Experience is valuable, but by motivating your team to inform their expertise with data, your dealership will get better results.

Steps to Becoming a More Data-driven Dealership

Now it’s time to get started. Just having access to data doesn’t equate to insights. To successfully implement data-driven practices, you need to follow three key steps:

1. Define your business objectives

Fang recommends developing a one-page document that summarizes your mission, vision, and objectives to clarify why you are seeking to become a data-driven dealership. What are your short- and long- term goals? Looking to boost sales revenue? Need to tighten operational costs to combat shrinking profit margins? Expand your objective beyond what data you think you can get from your tools.

Narrowing the scope of what you want to accomplish is the first step to setting goals that are realistic and actionable. Prioritize three to five measurements that will drive results for your organization.

Slow and steady wins the race. Start with the item that is likely to have the most positive impact, then continue to move down your list and implement the remaining objectives over time.

2. Identify the right process, people, and tools to execute the plan

Identify actionable key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to support the identified business objectives. Analyze current data sources for the most pertinent information. Consider if there is data missing that would be useful to answer key questions. Weed out data that does not support business goals.

Then define a process to calculate each KPI and track each metric, including assigning team roles, establishing the frequency of readouts, and outlining what needs monitoring along the way. Typically, the heads of each department are accountable to track metrics, relying on members within their team to manage the data and follow good practices to ensure the validity of reporting.

Finally, implement the right tools to configure, collect, and visualize the data. Automating the process as much as possible is critical to ensure accuracy and consistency of reporting.

“Within my leadership team, we created a set of 10 KPIs to measure ourselves and the performance of the business,” said Fang. “With some of the KPIs, we discovered we didn’t have one tool or system that can easily provide the data we need, so we continue to work toward automating the process still today.”

3. Measure, monitor, and manage

Doing the upfront work to foster a culture that thrives on data-driven practices pays off in step three. If team members are advocates for the process of collecting and analyzing data and see value in the results of their work, you will continue to get the insights you need to drive strategic decision-making.

“People don’t do what you expect, but rather what you inspect,” observed Fang. “Getting started is only half the battle.”

It is also important to monitor progress on a regular basis and make adjustments as needed. For example, if different departments are using separate systems, the manual process of connecting data inputs may be too time-consuming. Upgrading the technology infrastructure may be required. Solicit input from team members and respond by removing roadblocks or adapting processes to stay current.

The Road to Success Is Paved With Data

Becoming a dealership that succeeds with data-driven practices is challenging, but the rewards are worthwhile. The process begins with the cultivation of a culture that motivates team members to embrace the value of data and willingly contribute in new ways. With a clear picture of business goals, measurable KPIs can be established and championed across the organization.

Want to learn more? Click here for the “Mastering the Art of Data-driven Practices” webinar. You’ll discover ways you can leverage data for more profitable dealership operations across fixed ops, accounting, sales, and digital marketing.

*BARC Institute, 2014 Information Culture Study.
**NewVantage Partners, Big Data Executive Survey, 2017.

Must-Dos to Score an A+ on Your Dealership’s Month-End Processes

This article originally appeared on Digital Dealer here.

By Susan Moll and Matt Hurst

Can you hear the pencils sharpening, expo markers squeaking, and fresh new backpacks zipping? While it’s back-to-school season across the nation, at the dealership, September is also a great time to start anew by giving your strategy a refresh, beginning with your approach to month-end processes.

Whether you sell 10 or 100 cars per month, you should always take a step back to grade your month-end approach to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success. Are you maximizing efficiency, or do you feel like every month is a scramble to close out? Is your DMS provider helping to ease the process and streamline the workflow for you, or are they making it more difficult? What’s working well and what’s holding you back? Are you accounting for all of your sales and expenses?

It’s a lot to consider, which is why we recently connected with Karli DeVall, CFO of Tim Dahle & Red Rock Auto Groups and former automotive accounting consultant, to help put together some of the must-dos to make sure you ace your next “month-end report card.”

Create a Checklist

For Karli, who has worked with dealerships of all different shapes and sizes, the number one must-do heading into month-end closing is to create a checklist. Your checklist should outline the tasks that need to get accomplished on each of the four key days associated with month-end closing (usually the first four days of the following month). If you already have a checklist ready to go, make sure it’s up-to-date and covers all bases. Staying organized throughout the month-end process is essential to maintaining accuracy and efficiency, not to mention ensuring you have all the necessary information to effectively calculate KPIs.

So, how should you break out your checklist and what are the must-dos for each day?

Day 1 Must-Do: Count Your Physical Assets.

From new and used vehicles to service and parts, every department should use Day 1 of the month-end process to take inventory of their physical assets. Over the following three to five days, your accounting team will take this information and reconcile it against the books, so the sooner you get this data into the system the better.

Day 2 Must-Do: Count the Sales.

Day 2 is for reconciling and counting all the sales for the month. To do this successfully, it’s important to first ensure all sales are completed and verify that none of your assets are missing or out of place.

Day 3 Must-Do: Do an Expense Trend Analysis.

On Day 3, make sure all expenses are in and then conduct a trend analysis to see if you are missing anything. For example, did rent post on the first and 31st of the month or is there a particular utility that has been trending high over the last few months? Doing an expense trend analysis will help you get to the bottom of these questions. Ultimately, you want to make sure your dealership survives and thrives every single month, and getting those expenses submitted is a crucial piece of this.

Day 4 Must-Do: Add Statistical/Memo Postings to the Financial Statement.

Use Day 4 to confirm all your managers’ commissions are properly accounted for. Once payroll has been completed, take the time to ensure your statistical/memo postings are added to your financial statement. This step is vital bbut often skipped by controllers. While Karli notes that the majority of a financial statement is often pulled right from the books, the rest is usually a compilation of little statistical/memo postings that give you a more detailed look into your business and how you’re stacking up against your KPIs. Without these postings, you don’t have the insight needed to measure KPIs. Period.

The role of a dealership controller is critical. You’re responsible for the financial condition of the dealership and you know all the ins and outs of the business. But when it comes to month-end, chaos can quickly break out across departments. While modern, open technology has made the process easier, it still takes all hands-on deck and a structured plan of attack to close out the books properly and on time.

Look to your new checklist and DMS provider to help guide you through the smoke. You want to end each month seamlessly, so take advantage of your DMS provider’s various resources, from training sessions and webinars to peer-to-peer learning exchanges. With the right provider and approach on your side, you’ll take a lot of that weight from the month-end process off your shoulders.

Stay tuned for more as this is part II in a monthly series of must-dos to keep your dealership running efficiently all year long.

About the Authors

Susan Moll is Senior Director of DMS Field Services for Cox Automotive and Matt Hurst is Senior Director of Tech Client Support for Dealertrack DMS.