Dealertrack DMS is helping Sisbarro run their business smarter through easy-to-use technology and excellent customer support.
Sisbarro Case Study

Dealertrack DMS is helping Sisbarro run their business smarter through easy-to-use technology and excellent customer support.
Dealertrack DMS provides Gerald Nissan with real-time and easy-to-access data that helps them make smart decisions to move their business forward.
Heritage team members find Dealertrack to be the easiest DMS to use, which means they can focus on customer care.
Dealertrack’s implementation team spent five weeks on-site ensuring that no data would be lost and that every employee was comfortable.
This family-owned and operated dealership treats their customers and staff like family. So do we.
Acura of Glendale uses a technology driven DMS that empowers their staff by providing data access and security through Dealertrack.
The crew at Driver’s Village relies on their DMS for a lot of things: running a smooth business, digging deep into their data and analytics, and growing. So, when it came time to choose a new technology, they didn’t want to purchase a vendor, they wanted to find a partner. That’s where Dealertrack DMS came in. But, what does it take to make the grade? What are the key attributes that make a DMS provider qualify as a partner? Here are the four top qualities that Driver’s Village looks for in their partnership:
A True Partner Drives Connectivity
With Dealertrack DMS and Opentrack, there’s a bi-directional connectivity with other partners and integration that allows dealerships the ability to look back. And when you have the ability to dive into your dealership’s history, like Driver’s Village, you’re more empowered as you move forward. Connecting, empowering, and making all data easily accessible is step number one to being a good partner.
Good Partners Help You Grow
Driver’s Village has actually partnered with Dealertrack DMS since the 1990’s and a lot has changed. As they’ve grown (and grown!), Dealertrack DMS has been there each time a new dealership has joined the family. Having a partner who helps Driver’s Village reach their goals, without being a roadblock or a burden, is key.
“We don’t consider Dealertrack DMS as a vendor,” says Firas Makhlouf. “We consider Dealertrack DMS as a partner.”
A Good Partner Brings Bright New Talent to Your Dealership
The old, archaic days of DMS in the green screen is the fastest way to scare away millennials when recruiting new team members. With high turnover rates and an increasingly difficult race to master the millennial market, a shift in DMS technology can be the key to finding, onboarding, and retaining potential candidates. “Our new hires? They like that ease-of-use and point-and-click…When we show them a nice DMS user-interface, with point-and-click, they feel at ease,” says Fira Makhlouf, CIO of Driver’s Village.
Making the Switch to a New Partner
An overhaul of your dealership’s DMS technology is a big deal. Although Driver’s Village has been with Dealertrack DMS for several decades, each time they acquire a new dealership their team faces the reality of changing the new business’s DMS to Dealertrack. The emotional process of making the switch, however, is softened by having a good partner at-the-ready. “Dealertrack’s DMS is intuitive,” explains Lou Bregou, Director of Operations. “Dealertrack has a history of integrating companies.” Plus, Driver’s Village points out that Dealertrack DMS is backed by Cox Automotive. It’s a partnership that the their team has come to rely on as more than just a vendor. “We don’t consider Dealertrack DMS as a vendor,” says Firas Makhlouf. “We consider Dealertrack DMS as a partner.”
Your dealership will always work with outside vendors, SaaS providers, retailers, perhaps even marketing agencies. And those vendors can be the key to your success or drive your downfall. It’s vital to select technology vendors who understand your goals, have reliable platforms, and are willing to work together to drive the success of your business. Ultimately, take time to select your vendors wisely and to forge partnerships with real people you trust. Read more about Driver’s Village and watch their story here.
The team at family-owned, family-operated Smythe Volvo takes their culture seriously. Employees, sales people and car buyers are treated with respect, fairness, and trust. It makes sense to start there and let people come in the door with their guard down, ready to do business. They’ve practiced this level of customer service since 1966, greeting return customers by their first name, and providing a relaxed atmosphere to everyone.
Beyond the Buyer
Smythe extends the same level of trust and decency beyond the buyer to their vendors. In the automotive business, this isn’t naïveté. It’s not even simply generous. It’s just how Smythe Volvo practices business. Which is why they were generally surprised to find the attitude of their original DMS provider was anything but reciprocal. When taking calls about service, managing upgrades, or navigating ongoing training, Smythe Volvo’s employees began to feel like a burden so the team at Smythe began to shop around.
“We treat both our guests that come in every day to purchase and buy from us, as well as the people who work for us, as family. And that’s what’s most important and the most wonderful thing about our business.” – Kevin Flanagan, President and CEO
Time is Valuable
When you focus on the wrong things, you waste precious time that could be spent helping the customer. So, for the team at Smythe Volvo, it was finally time to choose a new DMS provider. Although making the move was “scary,” according to Smythe Volvo Vice President Sean Flanagan, it was worth it to find a true technology partner. Once the family at Smythe Volvo had found a partner whose values and goals aligned with their own, they could get back to focusing on what they do best: offering exceptional customer service.
From New-hire to Expert in No Time
One of the biggest benefits for the family at Smythe Volvo was the easy adoption of the DMS technology by the entire staff, most notably with new-hires. When Smythe Volvo’s Office Manager on-boarded a new team member– previously unfamiliar with Dealertrack DMS–she was posting deals on her second day.
It actually costs very little to be a better partner to your customers. When we encounter businesses like Smythe Volvo it inspires us as well. Treating each other like family, offering a kind word, taking a moment to remember a client’s name, making sure your new DMS technology is explained thoroughly, or building a community for continued learning opportunities are some of the ways we aim to remain trusted partners with the team at Smythe Volvo. You can read more about their experience making the switch to a new DMS here.