Ford Flex Buy Now Available in VinSolutions Desking 

VinSolutions Desking now offers dealers the ability to present 66-month and 75-month Ford Flex Buy deal options to customers.   

Ford Flex is an exclusive program from Ford Credit available to first-time buyers looking for affordable monthly payments. Eligible car buyers can take advantage of Ford’s best finance rates and three years of payment discounts.  

Dealers can show side-by-side financing options to help their customers pick the best financing option for them. 

Benefits of Ford Flex Buy: 

  • Calculate 66-month and 75-month Ford Flex Buy deals 
  • Toggle between 15% and 18% Flex Buy discounts 
  • Display Ford Flex 1st and 2nd payment schedule amounts side-by-side 
  • Present custom Ford Flex proposals to customers  

For more information, contact your Performance Manager