Dealertrack Credit Availability Index

In today’s marketplace, we are all looking for insights to help us plan more effectively. At Cox Automotive, our common goal is to partner, and provide data that may assist in your current planning. To help guide and plan we will publish the Dealertrack Credit Availability Index monthly.

5 Ways a Modular DMS Platform Opens New Possibilities for Profit

To satisfy a broad range of customer needs, your dealership must integrate with third-party applications. Unfortunately, many DMS platforms make it difficult for vendors to integrate and access data.

In our guide, 5 Ways a Modular DMS Platform Opens New Possibilities for Profit, we explain five ways your dealership can benefit from open access to your own data, including:

•        Freedom to choose third-party vendors and applications

•        Reductions in data and security fees

•        Real-time access to business intelligence and custom reports

•        Security as a standard product feature

•        Development of custom apps and functionality

Download the guide to learn about the benefits of a modular DMS platform.