How to Know What Your Customers Want

Apple founder and famous tech giant, Steve Jobs, famously said, “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Throughout his career, he derided customer data and declined to perform market research. Many have suggested that, “Jobs was right but only in the very narrow category to which he aspired: where his products…either redefined or created product categories. That’s not the domain in which most businesses play.” It’s definitely not the domain in which car dealerships play.

Automotive retail is a mature, highly competitive industry where careful attention to customer insights can mean the difference between success and failure. But how can dealerships find and use those insights? Not surprisingly, it starts with their own data.


Connect Online to In-Store

It should come as no surprise that the process of understanding what a customer wants actually begins before that customer visits your dealership. Today, most car buyers are beginning their purchase processes online—researching specific models, selecting features, and comparing prices. It’s now possible—and imperative—to greet a customer on the lot and to pick up exactly where they left off on your digital retailing-enabled dealership website. Examining a customer’s own research and preparation is the very best way to understand exactly what they want.


Learn From Past Behavior

Most dealerships are now keeping a central record for each customer, with the help of sophisticated DMS and CRM systems. Those records include a history of past purchases and past trips to the service lane. When a customer visits your lot, don’t treat them as if they’ve never been into your showroom before. Reference, acknowledge, and discuss their current and past vehicles to narrow in on what they may be trying to accomplish. Make an effort to surmise what the customer might be interested in based on their last three or four transactions.


See Things On the Spot

Of course, it does you very little good to make those connections during post-deal analysis. You need to see and understand customer behaviors, trends, and tendencies during an actual deal. That’s why it’s so important to use a DMS that provides real-time data with remote- and mobile-access. By incorporating up-to-the-minute insights into each transaction, you can make decisions on the spot, whether you’re behind a desk or out on the lot.

Dealerships can’t afford to ignore customer behaviors and dealership data. To succeed in this mature and competitive industry, they must leverage technology to access and analyze customer information, then put it into action. With the right systems in place, dealerships can leverage online activities, learn from past behaviors, and access customer information on the spot. Leveraging that data may not help dealers to redefine the entire world of technology, but it might just help them run a more profitable dealership.


To learn more about how a modern DMS can help you, download our guide 5 Ways a Modular DMS Platform Opens New Possibilities for Profit

A Dealer-Focused DMS

Original article written by Paul Whitworth, Senior Vice President of Dealer Management Systems at Dealertrack

What does it mean to be a dealer-focused DMS?

Two years ago, Dealertrack DMS reframed its strategy to focus on being the High Tech, High Touch DMS. So what does that mean? In short, it means that we are focused on the client. Our customers—dealerships just like yours—are at the center of the way we develop technology and the way we offer our services. Of course, we don’t believe that dealers are regularly raving about their dealer management systems, any more than we expect our neighbors to tell us about their amazing washing machines. In a way, the DMS is an appliance. Dealers count on it to be there and to perform its function while they focus on building and running their businesses.

So, in addition to providing a full set of capabilities, what does a High Tech, High Touch DMS do that is special? How is our focus on our dealership clients apparent in our products and services? There are four main things that make us different.  Our DMS is open, intuitive, and easy to use. Finally, we aim to be easy for dealerships to work with.

Dealertrack DMS is Open

Automotive retail has become very competitive and, increasingly, innovative technology is being used by dealerships to differentiate themselves. Our open system allows dealers to work easily with a broad range of solution providers. Dealers pick the solutions that they need to win and can count on Dealertrack DMS to integrate those solutions into the rest of their systems. We want you to do business your way, not ours. Dealertrack DMS is giving dealerships the freedom to pursue their own unique strategies rather than forcing them to do things just like everyone else.  

Dealertrack DMS is Intuitive

Similarly, a client-focused DMS doesn’t become a central issue in dealership personnel decisions. With employee turnover at an all-time high and the traditional dealership workforce getting older, dealers need more freedom to hire the best people for their business. Dealers need to be able to select candidates based on their skills in the areas of customer service, selling, technology, and management. Too often, however, they are forced to make hiring decisions based on prior DMS experience. To remove the need for prior experience, Dealertrack DMS has developed an intuitive user interface that employees, regardless of background, can learn quickly.

Dealertrack DMS is Easy To Use

Beyond our intuitive interface, Dealertrack DMS is easy to use across a number of dimensions. The platform is fully web-based and works across all types of devices. The system features simple navigation and thoughtful design, limiting the number of clicks required to complete an action. Finally, the system aligns dealership tasks into natural workflows so that employees don’t need to jump between screens or enter the same data twice.

Dealertrack DMS is Easy To Work With

Perhaps the most important part of our High Tech, High Touch approach is our commitment to become a true partner. By definition, a client-centric DMS must make it as easy as possible to do business and to leverage technology. We believe we are the clear leader in this area. Here are just a few examples of things we are doing to put the dealer at the center of our product and service offerings:

  • We offer simple upfront pricing with no long-term contracts.
  • We are deploying DMS 360—an online community and user portal to get our users the answers they need to do their jobs quickly and easily.
  • We provide Performance Managers: proactive coaches to help clients better use our software and improve their businesses.
  • We introduced DMS Edge virtual user conferences and DMS Controller Conference.

When it is time to upgrade your business, be sure to examine the goals and objectives of your technology partners. Look for a company that puts dealerships at the center of its operation. And, please take a look at Dealertrack DMS, the only High Tech, High Touch dealer management system.

Paul Whitworth, Senior Vice President of Dealer Management Systems at Dealertrack, has been at the forefront of automotive retail technology advancements his whole career. Paul graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has held positions with J.D Power & Associates, Accenture, Hyundai Motor America, and Cox Automotive as well as leading several start-up companies.

Operational Efficiency Gains from Dealertrack DMS

After switching DMS platforms to Dealertrack, dealer groups report consistent satisfaction in several dimensions of operational improvement from streamlined data processes to better performance data.

Efficiency Gains

Personnel across dealerships report that switching to Dealertrack makes their lives significantly easier. “The deal flow is easier for sales to track,” Comptroller, Jennica Krebsbach of the Van Horn Group says. “The deal flow into accounting is a lot easier. Once the service department understood the system completely, it was all OK.”

Assistant General Manager, Brett Henkel says that some of Big Two’s  personnel had to adjust to Dealertrack DMS’s graphical-user interface — its digital look and feel. “We had to explain that Dealertrack wasn’t going to look like their old system and why we were OK with that,” he says. “The big thing was that Dealertrack didn’t look like the old screen looked. But a couple of weeks in, everyone was relaxed about it. And then it was amazing how comfortable they got with it. Frontline employees picked up Dealertrack amazingly quickly as far as being able to write up a ticket or get it through finances.”

Overhead Savings

Krebsbach says that since switching to Dealertrack, the Van Horn Group has added seven more stores to the enterprise — but hasn’t had to add any accounting staff to handle the extra dealerships. As part of expanding the company, Van Horn also centralized its intra-company accounting. Relying on Dealertrack, the company has been able to cut in half its 40 administrative positions even while adding several dealerships. “There’s no way we could have done that with the legacy system,” she says. “We didn’t understand how much overhead we were going to save. But there has been huge payback.”

In addition to reduced overhead, new Dealertrack DMS customers are also seeing net profit growth in the first year. Sisbarro Dealerships reported a tripling of net profit in its first year with Dealertrack and credits a major portion of the growth to the DMS transition.

Reporting Advantages

One thing dealership managers appreciate about Dealertrack is the many extra types of data the DMS provides compared with legacy systems.

“We’ve got some unique advantages in reporting,” Bickerson says. “For example, in people performance data. We can show a service manager how each of his people is performing, in terms of their effective labor rate and gross percentage. That can spot problems. We can show, for example, if one employee’s effective labor rate has been dropping over the last couple of months. This is where we help managers spot opportunities for improvement.”

Henkel testifies to the vast improvement in this area for his company under Dealertrack compared with a legacy DMS. “The ability of managers to drill down and get information,” he says, “is incredibly better. Why are expenses up? You can scroll down to what went where, and why. That was something we used to call ‘the mystery.’ You’d have to call the bookkeeping office to figure that out. But now managers can call in from wherever they are and look at that information on their iPad or Surface Pro, in real time.”

Enabling Customization

Unlike legacy systems that are likely to charge dealerships for each new form or change order, Dealertrack specializes in accommodating special situations as part of the routine of satisfying its dealership customers.

Motorcars of Cleveland, for instance, is a unique operation that depends on delivering an extraordinary customer experience, and Dealertrack helps it succeed.  Its service center is open until 3 a.m. on weekdays, and valets note the license number of every car that drives in, relaying it to the service team so each customer is greeted by name. But the key to their success is a revolutionary quick-service “assembly line” comprised of six service stations, which allows customers to follow along with their car, observe the work and even ask questions — all while being in and out in about 30 minutes. To make that kind of enterprise work, Motorcars must use multiple outside vendors and applications that tie together all their business units and also must make it easy to use to maximize employee efficiency.

Dealertrack DMS has been a huge partner in Motorcar’s effort because of its Opentrack feature, which gives customers simple, secure third-party integration with dozens of other software platforms that can serve specific functions within the multi-faceted world of an automotive retailer. In the salesroom, for example, there has been a proliferation of quote-building software platforms that representatives use to help lure buyers. Many dealership groups have written their own software for this purpose. Dealertrack easily integrates with these programs so that the dealership can execute the final deal on its DMS, process the paperwork and ensure information about that valuable customer is either entered for the first time or updated, to help the company deepen and maintain the personal relationship.

For Motorcars, Dealertrack’s flexibility provides the freedom to choose the third-party vendors that work best for its unusual business model. “If we didn’t have this feature, it would be extremely difficult to find people who could work with us because of the astronomical access fees so many DMS providers charge,” Manager, Trevor Gile says.

Closing Quickly

Dealertrack enables Motorcars Group to close its finances each month in just one and a half to two days compared with 10 or 12 days under its legacy system. “That’s a huge benefit to us,” Gile says. “We not only can close the month faster but we can hold our end-of-the-month meetings faster and get a leg up on what’s happening. We never feel like we’re running behind. We can keep up or move faster than we ever thought possible.”

Shearer, an employee at Motorcars, agrees with her boss that she “wouldn’t want to go back” to closing under the legacy system. “I probably should just get a Dealertrack tattoo which says that. Dealertrack has so many great functions that make it so easy. If someone asks me if I would go back to the same DMS even if it costs less, I would say absolutely not.” Webb Automotive President, Kelly Webb Roberts agrees.  “I wish I would have switched earlier, for the entire group,” she says. “DMS shouldn’t be such a burden as it was. In the past, it has bogged people down. I wanted our staff to be able to have a system there to support them and make them efficient, where we can focus instead on customer interactions.”

For more information about the benefits of switching to Dealertrack DMS, check out our guide — DMS for a Digital Age.

Infographic: Is Your Dealership In the Cloud?

Today’s dealerships are leveraging cloud technologies to improve the profitability of their businesses. Web-based DMS platforms can be especially beneficial because they allow managers to monitor key dealership metrics anytime, anywhere.

In our infographic, Is Your Dealership in the Cloud?, we explain seven specific ways that your dealership can benefit by using a cloud-based DMS, including:

  • Fewer costs associated with buying and maintaining server equipment
  • Improved security through storage on remote, redundant servers
  • Improved reliability and decreased downtime
  • Convenience or remotely-accessible, real-time data

Download the Cloud Cover guide to learn more about the benefits of a web-based DMS platform.

May the 4th (and Force) Be With You: Four Ways Auto Retail is Kind of Like Star Wars

There may not be light sabers involved (one hopes), but when it comes to Star Wars and the technology that drives auto retail, we can make a few fun comparables.

After all, the last thing any sales manager or dealership controller wants is to get stuck on a virtual outpost, searching for solutions like a desert scavenger. The sunset might be nice, but that outpost is no place to find cutting-edge workflow technology. So in the spirit of the day, and the pursuit of connected retail, here are four ways auto retail technology is (kind of) like Star Wars:

1. Jumping to light speed is like using Accelerated Title.

When it comes to title release, Accelerated Title gets you from start to finish 70 percent faster than the industry standard* — a time that’s sure to be quicker than any old Imperial TIE fighter. It’s technology that streamlines payoff quoting, release, and even tracking and reporting.

2. Using the force is like integrating F&I Compliance into your workflow.

It’s so much a part of process that you barely notice it’s there…until you need it. Then it becomes a powerful way to protect and defend your dealership from ID fraud, potential audits, and more.

3. Droids are a symbol of advanced technology – with a smart human touch.

The concept is like our Menu Selling solution: technology that helps build engagement and improve the aftermarket experience. F&I products like GAP, warranty and maintenance options are presented in a friendly and consultative way — thanks to the use of personal technology.

4. Sometimes, what you need is a simple, fast, and effective Podracer to get the job done.

More than that will slow things down, when the most important thing is a fast and efficient finish. Keep that in mind when it comes to your Reg & Title operation. Simple and powerful functionality such as an accurate calculation of taxes and fees, as well as automated error-checking, help ensure that this final step in the process meets the customer’s expectations.