3 Things We Learned at NADA This Year

A month after this year’s NADA Convention and Dealer.com is still buzzing from the show. New Orleans is never short on atmosphere or company. And from January 26-29, Dealer.com was inundated with celebratory atmosphere and dealers from all over the country. From the energy around our new integrations with Autotrader and Kelley Blue Book, to our powerful partnerships with other Cox Automotive brands, to time catching up with friends and colleagues both old and new – NADA 2017 delivered.

We wish we could have connected with all of our clients at this year’s show. But for those of you who weren’t able to make it, here’s the simple question we were most asked at the show:

What’s new?

The answer?

A lot.

NADA 2017 was not about tectonic shifts in automotive retail or earth-shattering product debuts. Instead, this year’s NADA Convention addressed a maturing digital side of auto retail through the use of tools that greatly improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of selling cars.

Here are our three big takeaways from the NADA 2017:

1. The Ability to Qualify Shoppers

It sounds a little weird to say, but not every pageview is created equal. Yes, every pageview is an opportunity, but there are people that are much more likely to buy a car from one dealership than they are another. Dealers want a simple way to use data to determine shoppers’ intent to purchase vehicles. With this information, dealers can use a sales triage approach, focusing on customers with the highest likelihood to purchase first, before engaging with those people who might be harder to reach.

2. Personalized Content for Every Digital Shopper

The majority of shoppers are doing a lot of online research before they ever think about setting foot in a showroom. They’re visiting various automotive research and shopping sites, looking at cars in which they’re interested, all while leaving a digital breadcrumb trail. Dealers are looking for a data-driven solution that aggregates online shopper information, dealership specials, and consumer behavior to serve subjective, relevant content to shoppers ultimately arriving at their website.

3. Digital Advertising Capabilities and Data, Tracked in One Dashboard

There’s a lot to keep up with at any dealership. An overload of digital advertising data, delivered in a convoluted, piece-meal, and clunky process might technically provide accurate information. But it’s not very user-friendly, and sometimes, unless you have a PhD in statistics, ends up causing more concern than enthusiasm. With digital advertising only gaining more traction and getting more complicated, dealers want simple-to-use ad tools and discernible data presented effectively and intuitively in one dashboard.


These were the common topics of conversation we at the Dealer.com and greater Cox Automotive booths during this year’s show. Ask your digital provider about their approach to the three takeaways mentioned above.